Customized Software Development company in Sangli,Pune

Support or automate unique business processes and transactions | Handle information and Data specific to an industry or line of business | Meet unique privacy or security requirements | Facilitate integration with legacy applications and data

Custom software development is the designing of software applications for a specific user or group of users within an organization.

Make a realistic plan with milestones.

Plan for milestones to keep the project on track. These are various stages of the development that should be completed at a certain time and budget amount. You can review the work at each schedule milestone to understand if you need to make changes to your planned timeline or budget.

Conduct appropriate testing.

Before you implement the new software across your entire business, test it. Testing usually occurs on two levels: 1. Technical testing is conducted by the developers and IT professionals. It tests that the foundational elements are working. 2. User testing is conducted by business beta users. It tests that the software works as expected and desired.

Document the entire process

Documentation is important for all stages of development and implementation. You know you have to define what you have and what you want. Your project plan documents who is responsible for each piece, and sets dates and expectations.


Customized Software Development

What we do in Custom Software Development?

Godly Info Solutions has capabilities to handle the application software development adjustable to customers product requirement. With many years of expertise, we have successfully handled application development process right from business case analysis till the maintenance of the application. Our application development stages are checked against our internal plus standard metrics and are always visible to our customers. We mainly focus on Metrics based execution management, schedule compliance, scope management, HR & Engineering budget adherence, defect containment, etc. By our process our clients have achieved innovation & significant cost reductions by outsourcing their development work to us.

Custom software development is the process of designing, building, integrating, scaling, and upgrading software solutions to address the pressing needs or achieve objectives of your specific business. Software Info Solutions delivers high-grade custom software to a wide range of clients – from Fortune 500 companies to mid-sized businesses. Distilling 7 years of experience in IT, expertise across various technology stacks and in 26 industries, we can help you to solve complex challenges with reliable and agile digital solutions.


A custom software helps to increase productivity by making the processes swift because now it is tailored – according to your business needs. You won’t have to spend time or change your business processes to adapt to the standardized software.

Increased Security

Another advantage of bespoke software is that security is better than boxed software. This will make your software less susceptible to security issues.

Increased Profitability

Custom software can solve many of your business problems. However, wouldn’t it be great to make money from your custom-built software? You can license it or sell the software to other organizations depending on the terms and conditions of your business projects.


As your organization grows, the business processes will become more complex. But, with custom software development, this is not an issue as you can scale your software accordingly. Therefore, this will save you from incurring costs on additional licensing or subscriptions for additional features.